Grace Xuelian Huang, DDS, PhD, MS
Grace received her DDS/PhD from the West China School of Stomatology. She has her joint PhD from the Academic Center for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA) in the Netherlands. She has postdoc training at the University of Florida under a R90. Grace’s advanced education for general dentistry (AEGD) was at the Eastman Institute for Oral Health (EIOH) at the University of Rochester. She has been with the McLean lab for 3 years, and her scholarly work is focused on cardiology, molecular microbiology, microbiome, and anti-caries dental materials. Her current research program focuses on novel anti-caries catalysts metal titanates to modulate the virulence of cariogenic biofilms, as well as the role of arginolytic bacteria on the initiation and progression of radiation caries. Her current research is supported by a NIDCR K08 award. Outside of academia, Grace enjoys gardening, hiking, traveling, music and reading.